vieux pots de peinture

mercredi 18 février 2015

des crêtes d'embrasses de rideau

un achat qui m'a inspirée

en décollant le cordon, j'obtiens 3 m de cordon plat, pratique pour des sacs ou autres tissages

et il suffit de découper le gabarit de bois pour réaliser des pots par exemple

Bonne chine

7 commentaires:

  1. Fantastic finds, Claude, you can use these wonderful leftovers for nice ideas ;)!
    Bonne soirée, Ilona

    1. thank you Ilona: I like to divert utility objects, it is a game
      bonne soirée au chaud

  2. Waste not, want not! It is good to be able to use it all! I love the ideas you've suggested, Claude. I suppose that you could even use the wood forms covered in plastic wrap and glue, and then re-wind the same cord around and when dry, use them for corded mini baskets.
    Hmmm?.... I shall now be on the look-out for these versatile tie-backs! :D


    1. thank you for the idea, Elizabeth, I had thought of using wood as a template for baskets, but I have not tried it yet
      Best regards

  3. Réponses
    1. Anjas thank you, I restored the translation:-)
      have a nice day
